27 March 2012

In like a lion...

March came in like a lion.  We had so much rain that I thought I was going to need to build an ark.  Yikes! It's crazy to me that it's already the end of March! There is a lot that has been happening. School, work, vacation.

Our vacation to the Big Island was AWESOME! It was just what we needed, when we needed it.  We did a lot of touristy things.  And, we got food poisoning.  That was the worst part of vacation.  We didn't let it slow us down too much.  We just adjusted our schedule a bit. No big deal.

We took hundreds of pictures.  It was fun to document every single moment of vacation.  It was fun to enjoy the beauty of the Big Island and its slower pace.

And now we're in the last quarter of school.  The last two months before the summer schedule. I feel like it's so overwhelming. It shouldn't be.  This isn't something new.  Yet, every year it sneaks up on me. Blah.

So, I'll leave it with the "tease" of adding pictures from our vacation soon... :)