This year has been a crazy rollercoaster ride. It's been nearly a year since my last post and I've accomplished a lot but I've also have some setbacks. It's okay. I am trying not to be too hard on myself.
In June of 2017, I started the process of going back to school. It wasn't an easy process. It'd been seventeen years since I finished at Bemidji State University and twenty-one years since I graduated from high school. I had to track down transcripts and it wasn't just my college transcripts. No. I had to track down my AP scores from high school. Yeah. My records were so old, it wasn't available via the online database. Nope. I had to fill out a form to have it processed. As in, a paper form. As in, print it out and use a pen! What?! Okay, not to be melodramatic but, that was quite the process! I had no way of tracking how long it would take my records to get from point A to point B. That's hard for a planner like me. Little did I know that it was only the beginning of having to learn how to adjust my sails because there were a lot of changes that happened that I couldn't just "plan" for. I had to learn to rely on the process to unfold as it would unfold. That was hard for me.
Once everything was in place, I was set to start school at WGU-Texas on September 1, 2017. My term was six months and included four courses. I was able to complete the four courses within the first four months and then I moved one forward one term. And I'm now on my second term and I have completed two courses in two months. I'm still feeling pretty good about the progress I'm making in school. However, my home life and personal life has taken a little bit of a hit, and it's bruised the ego a bit.
My brain has been exhausted from trying to do the education thing and it takes a toll on my body. My housework has taken a back seat to school and I've not kept up with the cleaning and laundry like I had been. This is very embarrassing to me. It's hard to admit. At what point do you tell yourself it's okay to pursue your dreams and ask for help in the areas where you need it? It's a slow process. I take it day by day. That's all that I can do.
But, I am proud of myself, and I know that my family is too. That's all that matters. 💛