23 May 2012

Elimination Communication has begun!

Lola will be 18 months old on May 30th.  It's amazing how fast the time flies.  I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing the little peanut home from the hospital.  She is a lovely little girl who is very different from her siblings.

Her language development is primarily non-verbal at the moment.  She communicates using sign but does have a small bit of vocabulary built up.  She started walking at 9 months and grasps some concepts that are typical for a higher age group.

She has been showing signs of being ready to use the potty for a couple of weeks.  We weren't going to push her.  She would sit on the chair every time I was in the bathroom.  She would say "potty" and bring a fresh diaper when she had a wet diaper.

On Monday night, she was fussy at dinner.  She kept saying "potty." We decided to let her sit on the potty without a diaper.  And, she went!  We thought it might have been a fluke, but, she did again yesterday morning.

Now it's time to find some cute little training pants! I attribute her readiness to the cloth diapering.  She does not like the feeling of being wet at all.

I love having these milestones but it's bittersweet, too.  She is our last and I want to cherish each of these milestones.