12 September 2013

What a difference one year makes.

Last year we were sitting in a house with no HHG, sleeping on air mattresses, watching Netflix on laptops and Nooks and eating on plasticware.  We had just moved to Texas from Hawaii.  It was a culture shock.  It was a temperature shock.  A year a later and we're almost back to that same position.

I'm scared.  I am downright terrified.  I can't put one coherent thought together.  I can't eat.  I want to sleep every moment of the day. Logically, I know that we'll get through this but this is a painful process.  I need a moment to think and I'm running out of moments.

What's the right thing to do? I don't know.  Mr. Lovebug and I will figure this out together though, right? That's what I keep telling myself.