18 March 2013

Monday's Musings...

1. The weekend is never long enough.  There is always something left undone.  And, it was Spring Break last week so technically I shouldn't have anything left to do because I had all week to do it.  There are no words.

2. Mornings have been difficult for me since the pregnancy.  I can't explain it, but, I feel tired  in the morning and it sets the tone for the day.  It's generally my favorite time of day because I get a moment to myself so I can start the day properly.  I'm not a happy person if I don't get that quiet time.  I really need to make a change so that I can make my mornings happier.

3. Even SuperMoms feel overwhelmed.  We can't do everything perfectly. It's a pipe dream, but, the reality is that we do the best that we can with the resources we have.  That's what makes us SuperMom.

4. I can't get through an episode of Grey's Anatomy without crying.  I've tried.  It's pointless to try anymore. It's okay; it doesn't stop me from watching it.

5. I'm glad that Lo's weekend nap strike didn't carry over to the week.  That would have been bad.

6. I'm feeling hopeful today.  That's all. And that's the best thing that I can hope for.